Six questions for the good soul of the team
Conny is a management consultant at DKSR. That means: No matter what it’s about – in front of or behind the curtains she has most likely lent a hand. From Santa Claus gifts to project accounting and bookkeeping to event management, a wide variety of tasks cross her desk. What is particularly important to her is that every team member feels comfortable in his or her place in the organization at all times.
Cornelia Bahr
What made you decide to join DKSR?
My quest for meaningful work for a fresh, colorful, young and dynamic team in an appreciative environment fortunately led me to DKSR. I love working with young people, experiencing their perspective on life and work, thinking outside the box, and constantly engaging with new things. I get to do all of that here.
What drives you in your daily work?
You wouldn’t believe how many different topics I get to work on, it’s totally exciting. And the trust people place in me spurs me on day after day and gives me the courage to keep trying new things.
What do you think makes a good team?
Great openness, clear words, also friction, but above all trust in each other and mutual help are the be-all and end-all. We need to know that we can rely on each other 100% and that we share our knowledge and skills with the team. Sounds pathetic, but in my view it is an important element for “psychological security” in the company.
What is the best way to ensure a good team spirit in a diverse & interdisciplinary tech company?
Yes, it’s not that easy, admittedly. That’s why I always try to listen carefully and find out what each*person needs most at the moment. And I make sure that fun is not neglected – and that everyone feels seen and appreciated.
Your favorite quote?
“Let us all be the leaders we wish we had.”-Simon Sinek, “Leaders Eat Last.”
What book would you recommend to your team?
“Start with why”, “Leaders eat last” and “The infinite game” by Simon Sinek, but I find “Becoming” by Michelle Obama and “The Why Cafe” by John Strelecki equally inspiring.