
Six questions for the smart data analyst

It is not only DKSR’s customers who benefit from Fabian’s calm manner when working with him: the team is also happy to call on the data analyst and consultant for various issues when things get busy again. Originally an engineering graduate, Fabian’s curiosity brought him to DKSR, making him an expert in a wide variety of fields – and ensuring that he devotes himself to projects in every detail with great enthusiasm.

Data Scientist

Fabian Landua

Data analysis sounds incredibly dry at first. What drives you to do this job?

The interesting thing is that data is already being collected for almost everything that surrounds our daily lives. It’s just that a lot of it is not looked at any further. By looking between the lines, you can identify problems in cities and communities and address them.

What did you originally want to do for a living?

Something creative.

What is especially important to you in your job?

Having the freedom to try things out.

And what do you think is important to do your job well?

As I said, it’s not just about visualizing numbers, but also evaluating them in context. A basic logical understanding helps, I think.

In three words: How would you describe the team spirit at DKSR?

Warm, motivated, ambitious.

You’re on vacation – city trip or off to the countryside?

City trip.