
Six questions for the man behind the visualizations

Ömer is from Berlin – and as a child he already wanted to do “something with computers”: Already in elementary school he liked to work with an Intel 368 and floppy disks. He definitely kept his line, because now he diligently supports DKSR in IT development, where he makes sure that data collected via the platform gets into a visually analyzable state. We get a little insight into the programmer’s mind beyond his workplace here.


Ömer Ilhan

You were born and raised near Berlin. What keeps you in the capital region?

Berlin is honest and I like that. Plus, Berlin constantly offers you something new, it’s exciting and adventurous. Oh, and there’s good food here.

What digital innovation in the city would you be most excited about?

A dashboard with important events and news from the city, geographically prepared on an interactive map. Furthermore, I think administrative tasks could be made easier from a user perspective.

What do you enjoy most about your job?

Getting to grips with new issues and technologies. Also, solving challenging problems. And, of course, looking behind the scenes of a city.

What do you take away from your work at DKSR?

A new perspective on the city and what it can be.

DKSR in one word is….


What book has made a big impression on you?

In the recent past I can only think of “What if?” by Randall Munroe, a book in which the author scientifically examines absurd thought experiments and often derives funny consequences from them. On the other hand, it makes you aware of how many details have to be taken into account when you take a closer look and how much is connected to each other. Here is another thought experiment: What if our city were not so fixated on the car?